The Causes of Arthritis

 The word arthritis comes from the Greek word arthron meaning "joint" and the Latin word it is meaning "inflammation". In order to understand the causes of arthritis, we need to take a look at how the joint works. The joint comprises of the following: ligament, cartilage, bone, synovial fluid. The cartilage covers the bone surface and prevents the bones from rubbing against each other. The cartilage allows the joint to work smoothly and effortlessly. A capsule surrounds the joint. The space within the joint has synovial fluid. Synovial fluid nourishes the joint and the cartilage.

When anyone is having severe arthritis pain, there is a problem at the joint. In order for us to find out what the real problem is, we need to consult a medical doctor. The problem at the joint could be caused by

i) The cartilage wearing away

ii) A lack of synovial fluid

iii) Autoimmunity (your body attacking itself)

iv) A combination of factors

The problem at the joint also depends on what type of arthritis that you are suffering from. There are generally 3 types of arthritis that afflicts people. They are:

i) Osteoarthritis - For this type of arthritis, the cartilage loses its elasticity. The cartilage which normally acts as a shock absorber, gradually wears away. When the cartilage is injured, tendons and ligaments becomes stretched and this causes pain. Eventually when the cartilage is totally worn out, the bone will rub against the other bone causing severe pain known as arthritis.

ii) Rheumatoid arthritis - This is an inflammatory form of arthritis. For this type of arthritis, the synovial membrane is attacked which results in swelling, pain and stiffness and sometimes severe joint damage. This type of arthritis need to be attended swiftly otherwise it may result in deformity. Rheumatoid arthritis is more common among women than men and normally occur in patients between the ages of 40 to 60years.

iii) Juvenile arthritis - This type of arthritis normally affects teenagers less than 18 years of age. Juvenile arthritis is caused by a combination of factors which include damage to joint cartilage, inflammation and stiffness of joints and genes passed on by family members.

This article explains the possible causes of arthritis. With the on going research in the field of healthcare including arthritis, there may be new discoveries to the causes of arthritis.There should be an awareness programme among young adults about the causes of arthritis so that they are careful in their activities which may delay the onset of arthritis when they grow old.

This article gives you genuine and reliable information on the causes of arthritis.For the treatment of arthritis, my website is []. Visit my website for more information on Provailen, a natural supplement.


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